September 13, 2010

Our First Family Road Trip

June 27, 2010
Harry, with a fist full of fries, ready to go to Granny's house.
Our first family road trip was a trip to Granny's house in New Mexico.  It is about 760 miles from my parents in Utah, or a 13 1/2 hour drive.  Considering the boys have never spent longer than an hour in the car I was a little worried.  Luckily, we had a couple of the little portable dvd players, and plenty of toys, junk food, and milkies for the drive.
They did great.  Honestly, they were really good!  No tantrums, no crying fits, just happy babies.  They were happy to just hang out and drive.  We made a few stops, to let them run around and get some fresh air, and we did stop for the night in Grants, NM to recharge our batteries.  
Clark running out his energy, somewhere in the middle of New Mexico.
(I actually think it was a parking lot to an Indian Casino.)
I forgot how much I love to drive.  I love seeing the country, and different little towns, spending time with family, snacking away the day, and singing along to our favorite songs.... it is so much fun!

I kinda fizzled out, and didn't take as many pictures as I should have... which I didn't even think of at the time, but it makes me so sad now.  Why do I always do that?  Someday I am going to figure out a way to surgically attach my camera to my hand, so I won't forget (or be too lazy) to get out my camera and take some pictures.

1 comment:

michaela hoenigman said...

I loved seeing you! Thankfully you forgot your camera on our visit! If you posted pictures of me I would be forced to boycott your blog!