February 12, 2010

Harry's First Time Using A Fork

When we sit down to eat the first thing Harry always does is dump his plate of food all over the table, and throw his fork on the ground. He doesn't like to waste time with all the utensils...
just give me the FOOD, he says.
Yesterday though he decided to give his fork a try.
Now, I know it is the wrong way...but it was so cute to see him trying.


Emma said...

Good job Harry! Thats a cute truck fork! I could find any really cute like that for Reese.

Rachael Grotegut said...

Way to go Harry! That is a cool looking fork too. Gavin didn't use a fork until he was like 2 1/2 and he was 3 1/2 before he used a spoon. I have slow kids.