February 24, 2010

City of Glass

City of Glass by Cassandra Clare

★★★ (out of 5 stars)

This was the final installment in the Mortal Instruments series. While it was a nice conclusion to the story, with a fitting ending...I was left feeling unsatisfied. I was expecting a lot more from the last book, especially since I liked the second one so much. It felt rushed (even though it was long???) and VERY predictable, and a little anti-climatic.
All in all, this was a pretty good series. Not the best, but still very entertaining. I did like the characters a lot, and most of the ideas...just wish it was better executed.

ps. On an awesome-er note, this is the 7th book I have read this month. I am on a role. Totally makes up for my lack of reading in January. But still a LONG LONG way from my goal of 100 this year.

1 comment:

Ed and Carol Brooks said...

You are just a reading machine these days!! I can't keep up with you.