May 26, 2008

If it's the summer of the Osmonds...then wake me up in September.

Greetings my few and loyal blog readers,

2 more weeks until we find out the sex of our little Fetus. We can't wait!! Jason is totally and completely convinced that we are having a girl (but he also thought Clark was a girl), and I kinda want it to be a boy just to prove him wrong (HA!) But either way we are happy, I am determined not to get my hopes up for anything...although it would be nice to have a girl (so I won't have to ever be pregnant again).

20 more weeks until the baby is due. I am finally at my halfway point! This pregnancy has been so different from Clark's. With Clark, I was really physically sick the first 16-18 weeks...but after that I was perfect. I had energy, I was happy, it was so easy. This baby is kickin' my butt everyday! I am finally able to eat 3 meals a day, but I still suffer from constant nausea and weird food aversions. I am more tired than I EVER remember feeling, and my hormones have been C.R.A.Z.Y! If this is any indication that it is a girl, then I believe it!

11 more weeks until my Kauai trip! I have been saving all my allowance planning a trip to go to Kauai this summer, with my sister and friend Carol. We are finally going to get our tickets this week, and start making the car and hotel reservations. YAY! Sleeping, eating, beaching, and sight-seeing in peace and quiet.

9 more weeks until my birthday!

I am really looking forward to this summer (well with the exception of the whole "summer of Osmonds" thing, who decides these things? I was watching Extra and ET, and that is what they maybe if we just stay clear of the entertainment news programs we will be safe). We watched Indiana Jones tonight, and it was so much fun. The movie was pretty good, no surprises really...there were scary bugs and spider webs, lots of punching and crazy driving, and an old man with a whip. But I was mostly just excited to kick off the summer movie season. This summer we are finally going to have a steady babysitter, and we are going to go out every week (just like we used to before the Tuna came along). There is nothing I love more than spending my Friday nights at the movies.


Emma said...

I think we should make a count down chain for our babies! Not for days, that is just too many. But we could do it for weeks. That would only be like 19! Totally do able!

Sabrina and BJ said...

this is gay i am the only one that voted for boy (yes I voted twice) and if i dont get any supporters im going to have to vote a couple more times. bj

April said...

Ha ha! Bj you are the BEST!

Briggs Family said...

I love that picture of Clark laying on the cat. Why do we all have orange cats? I didn't mean to have an orange cat, that is what my friend gave me. Atleast I didn't name him Mister Kitty. okay I admit it, I am a copier. Anyway Joci loves our cat. I need to take a picture of her ripping his hair out by the handfulls. Any hooo, congrats on a boy. I did vote girl!!

April said...

Orange cats ROCK!