May 18, 2008

Lets Go To The Movies

(Originally Posted Dec. 20, 2007)

Please, please, please. I wanna go.

I love going to the movies. Nothing in the world makes me happier (well except my son). I love sitting in the dark, in front of that giant screen...with the music swelling all around me. I love watching previews, and getting excited over new movies and actors I love. I had friends that used to make fun of me cause all I ever wanted to do was go to the movies, two in a day sometimes. I was and still am the easiest date, dinner and a movie...and sometimes I did not even need the dinner just get me some popcorn or nachos.

I miss Christian Bale, and Ewan McGregor....

The last movie I saw in the theater was Harry Potter 5...way way back in July. I am used to watching at least a movie every Friday or Saturday. It started when The Tuna was born. We knew we would have to cut down going out, but I was not prepared for this. Six months without anything...I am going through bad withdrawals. Luckily I have Blockbuster online account where they ship me three, and I can exchange them in the store. But it is just not good enough. I used to feel so cool. I knew what was going on in "my world"...who was doing what and when it was coming out. But I don't even have that going for me anymore. I swear, you do not want to be around if I miss Sweeney Todd.

I love my Tuna. He really is the best baby. But I miss my old lover...

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