May 18, 2008


(Originally Posted Dec. 31, 2007)

It is New Years Eve again. I was trying to remember my resolutions that I made last year (to see which ones I actually followed through on) and I honestly can't think of one. I think we were just so absorbed in the process and planning to bring home a baby, that all I cared about was having my house clean and organized.
So...this year I am keeping it short and sweet. I have learned over the pass year that I can really only handle one thing at a time, too much on my plate and I am going to fail for sure!
First and it should be the easiest, I am going to stop biting my nails. I had been doing really good and most of last year I did not bite them at all. In fact I collected a lot of finger nail polish I was painting them so much. But something happened at the end of the summer, and now I can not keep my fingers out of my mouth. Who knows what happened? But I am starting over. It is a disgusting and painful habit, and it must stop!
Second, I am going to be healthier. I don't exercise, in fact I loath exercising. So that will be the first thing I am going to conquer. We have a treadmill, and I am actually going to start using it. Also, I am back on the South Beach diet, that I was on all summer. I did not lose any weight before, but I did feel better physically. I have spend the last 2 months weening myself off of caffeine, which has been painful (it was my only vice...sniff sniff), but I am determined to stay off. I miss it the most in the heat of the afternoon, when I am tried and need a "pick me up"...but again I feel better physically. This will be my hardest goal, and it will need the most effort. But by this time next year I want to feel better (physically) and hopefully look better. I do have a goal weight that I want to get down to, but I don't want to focus too much on that.
Third, we are going to go to church more. We have no friends, except for our neighbors (who are also our landlords) and a couple we knew from California. We need more friends, and support. Clark needs friends and more interaction from other children, besides the kids at the mall. So we are going, probably never on time, but we will be there.

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