June 08, 2008

Three's Company...and a Baby

She's here! We talked about it, we made plans, we searched and searched for cheap plane tickets, I never thought it would actually happen...but it did! Auntie Laura got here last Thursday for an extended vacation. She will be here until October when the baby comes, and maybe through the holidays (she is not sure yet)...and with the sky rocketing price of airline tickets we might get to keep her longer than that! She is sharing a room with Clark, which he thinks is the best thing ever... he wakes up every morning giggling at her. She is going to get a job, and a scooter...and hopefully make a lot of friends. We are so glad to have her, it is fun to have another girl in the house...even Jason is enjoying having another person to entertain (bore to death) with his stories. It is going to be awesome to have a on call babysitter, and shopping partner...and someone to help us chase Clark around.
Having Laura around has reminded me how much I miss my other brothers and sister. It seems weird that we are doing things and Emma is not along...although she is, in texting spirit. Or that we are planning a cook out and my brothers are not going to come (Jason could've really used their help lighting the charcoal grill..ha ha ha). One thing I love so much about Hawaii is that everything is about family, everyone is so close and most of the time living on the same street, next door to each other, or even in the same house. Here, when you have family dinner...it is really family dinner with aunties, uncles, grandmas, grandpas and so many kids. I miss that! I love my family so much, and I love spending time together...and although I know we aren't the type of family who could all share the same house...or even same neighborhood, I like to think they would entertain the idea for their big sister. I am so glad Laura came, it is so important to me to have family around...and I hope I can get the rest of my family to come around more...I love you so much.


Jenni said...

I agree it is hard being away from family! Although it's good to establish your own family, (something we have loved!) being away from extended family just makes you appreciate them more when you get back together!

Anonymous said...

I am so glad Laura is out there to hang out with you! It is hard not being close to family. I totally miss my sisters now that I read this post, sniff sniff.

Have fun gals!

Anonymous said...

Go with Harrison, it would go great with Clarks name.

April said...

Thank you anonymous...I need all the support I can get for Harrison, so far it is a losing battle.

Briggs Family said...

I am sad, I want my sister here. How fun though...not fair!