Maybe we could watch it for our birthdays together! We watched the first one together...! Minus I can't go to Hawaii... PS Are the getting a little old for this? and this one better have answers!!!
I cannot wait, I have missed Agent Scully and Mulder!! I'm glad you blog stalked me! I like blogging soooo much better than the myspace/facebook world.
It is just the four of us...April, Jason, Clark and Harry. We love trying new things, visiting new places, and being together as a family. This blog is our family journal, our ups and downs, big steps and little steps...all things, big and small.
Harry is 2 years old. He loves music, books and words, he can read all day long. He loves to be outside, he is a quiet, thoughtful explorer. He is determined, curious, and has very ticklish feet. Harry's Autism can be quite challenging most days, and I long to figure out his little mysteries, but I appreciate the new ways he helps me look at the world. He is forever my chubby little nugget, I'm so happy he was sent to our family.
Clark Michael "Big Tuna"
Clark is 4. He is all about having fun, and joking around. These days Clark's world revolves around Star Wars, Mario and Indiana Jones. He loves his friends, and playing video games. He sees everything as a game, and a adventure. I love that he makes me laugh when I am in a bad mood, and how he reminds me not to take things so seriously. We couldn't live without him.
Just the two of us.
April, The MOM.
I am the Mom. I am sassy, plumpy and sometimes shy. I love reading, taking pictures, and watching too much tv. I am learning to be crafty, and I'm forever trying to loose weight. To me nothing is better than hanging out with my family, and friends.
Jason, The Dad.
Jason is a great Dad, he loves his boys so much and works hard for our family. He works for the Coast Guard in the medical field. He loves football, writing, and eating too much junk food. He loves to listen to (boring) talk radio, and is always busy working on his schooling.
My Followers...taking over the world one reader at a time.
Give credit, where credit is due.
All content on this blog is mine, unless outside credit is linked. If you steal my words or photographs you will be in trouble. I have friends in low places. Don't make me go there.
Maybe we could watch it for our birthdays together! We watched the first one together...! Minus I can't go to Hawaii...
PS Are the getting a little old for this? and this one better have answers!!!
I cannot wait, I have missed Agent Scully and Mulder!! I'm glad you blog stalked me! I like blogging soooo much better than the myspace/facebook world.
I am so scared. I want it to be good. I made my wife watch all 8 seasons of the show. It took only a few episodes for her to make me watch it.
They still look so good! I am so stoked. I just love X-Files!
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