May 19, 2011


The boys' favorite part of April was when we got a trampoline!
We had been saving a little money to take a weekend trip away for our 10th wedding anniversary, but I decided the money would be better spent on the boys, and a tramp. 
 Of-course, Jason and the boys agreed with me wholeheartedly!
(By the way... Happy 10 years to us! No pictures, because I am a slacker.  But Jason did take me to a very nice dinner, and a movie.  I can't believe we've been married for 10 years!!!!!)
Harry loves jumping so much, I have never seen him more happy.
He can jump for hours.
Clark and Harry
Clark and Harry
It is so nice to finally find something Harry enjoys, besides reading his books, and watching tv.
It is a good release for him too, when he is feeling stressed and needs to calm down.
It's also a nice place to lay, and soak up some sun.
Clark likes to lay and look up at the sky, watching for planes or birds.
Clark and Harry
I took these pictures right after we first set it up.  Since then Jason has set up the netting around the tramp, so the boys don't accidentally fall off.  Clark managed to stay on, but Harry would get lost in his bouncing, and jump right off a couple times... but that didn't stop him from getting right back up to jump again.  I'm glad we decided to get a tramp for the boys, rather than go away for the weekend, money well spent.

It's going to be a fun summer with our new tramp. 


Bonnie said...

cute pics, we are thinking of coming to VA beach for a weekend, any advice of what to see?

Aunt Pam said...

What a wonderful idea. Harry looks like his Uncle Cody Deimler in some of those pictures.

I'm so glad you are feeling better and blogging again. I was seriously going through withdrawals. :) Love you!