I figure now is as good a time as any to hop back on the blog wagon, or at least try to. My days are so busy and I'm so tired having three kids... I just never have time to get on the computer. But I feel so guilt ridden with the lack of pictures I take of Baby Sister, and no blog posts... so I am just going to start trying harder. So here I go again....
Last week we left for a week long vacation to Orlando, Florida. We went to Universal Studios and Disney World. We've been planning this trip for almost a whole year now... so we were all very very excited. We had Nana (my mom) fly out to go with us, there was no way we could do it without her, and the kids really enjoyed seeing her again. Clark was so excited to get her from the airport.

This was Charlie's first road trip, and vacation. She did so well in the car, such a good girl.
I am so lucky to have such a good baby girl.
In fact all the kids did well, we didn't even have to plug in the van's DVD player until the last couple hours on the second day. Harry loved to look out the windows while we drove, and Clark kept us cracking up the whole way. And of corse Jay kept us all happy with plenty of stops and treats.
I didn't take any pictures at the state lines this time... just couldn't bring myself to drag the kids out the car every time (I'm such a lazy Mom). But even without the pictures we did manage to cross three more states off our list, South Carolina (we've already been to North Carolina), Georgia and Florida.
We now officially have visited more than half the states in the USA :)
Last week we left for a week long vacation to Orlando, Florida. We went to Universal Studios and Disney World. We've been planning this trip for almost a whole year now... so we were all very very excited. We had Nana (my mom) fly out to go with us, there was no way we could do it without her, and the kids really enjoyed seeing her again. Clark was so excited to get her from the airport.

This was Charlie's first road trip, and vacation. She did so well in the car, such a good girl.
I am so lucky to have such a good baby girl.
In fact all the kids did well, we didn't even have to plug in the van's DVD player until the last couple hours on the second day. Harry loved to look out the windows while we drove, and Clark kept us cracking up the whole way. And of corse Jay kept us all happy with plenty of stops and treats.
I didn't take any pictures at the state lines this time... just couldn't bring myself to drag the kids out the car every time (I'm such a lazy Mom). But even without the pictures we did manage to cross three more states off our list, South Carolina (we've already been to North Carolina), Georgia and Florida.
We now officially have visited more than half the states in the USA :)
Harry checking out the view from our hotel window. We stayed at the Baymount, just 5 minutes from the Disney parks. It wasn't the best place, but there was a lot of room, and we got a really good deal ($55 per night). Nana stayed in the same room as us, and got a close up view of the craziness that is our family most nights. And she survived, and still likes us :)
Our first stop was Universal Studios!
I was so excited. I've been waiting to go to The Wizarding World of Harry Potter since I heard they were going to build it. I could hardly sleep the night before.
Jason, Clark and Nana
I am not sure what Clark expected, we had been talking about our trip for the past couple months.
He kept on assigning us parts; he was to be Hagrid, I got to be Harry Potter, and Daddy was the rat! Harry and Charlie were just extra kids. His imagination can be so funny sometimes. I think he was excited even if he was a little overwhelmed too.
Almost there...
Clark recognized the Hogwarts Express train, and buildings immediately.
It was so surreal to see everything and we had so much fun.
Clark went on a ride with Daddy, and we watched the wand show at Olivanders.
Clark and I even picked out our own wands. He choose Harry Potter's and I got Dumbledore's.
True story; After we got Clark's wand he opened it right away. He kept swishing it all around waiting it for it to do something. I think I even heard him say expecto patronum once or twice. After a few minutes he looked at me, all confused and sad, and said "It's not working Mom, I tried swish and flick and everything...".
Poor little guy. I just told him he wasn't of age yet, he had to wait until he went to Wizard school.
Cute little Charlie, enjoying the day, even if she had to spend most of it in the stroller.
We had lunch at the Three Broomsticks (and it was actually pretty tasty).
Clark and Jason enjoying their Butterbeers. We got a frozen one and a plain one.
Jason's had this yummy whipped cream on the top of his.
They tasted like cream soda, not my favorite flavor, but pretty good.
Hmmm... Butterbeer. I really feel like I'm in Hogsmeade now :)
I tried to give Harry a taste, but he didn't want any.
He is such a cutie! I was worried that the parks and long days were going too be overwhelming for him, but he did so well. There were a couple low points, and upsets, but for the most part I can honestly say he had a really good time.
He always seems to do well in new situations, as long as we stay together as a family.
Enjoying our lunch at the Three Broomsticks.
It's Hogwarts! The castle was so impressive.
We didn't manage to get on the big Harry Potter ride until later in the day.
I was a big fat chicken, and I couldn't make up my mind if I wanted to go or not.
I'm so glad that I finally decided to bite the bullet and do it. My Mom and I went together :) The line to the ride has you go through the castle, and there are moving portraits (just like the movie) and a lot of the same type of things from the movie sets. It was amazing. It wasn't a roller coaster, more like a video simulation ride, with sharp turns and effects. It was cool, although still a little much for me. I think I could do it again, but only once in awhile... I have to forget that panicky scared feeling I get, before I do it again (kinda like forgetting child birth, or morning sickness). I loved seeing the characters, and feeling a part of the HP world, if only for a very small moment. It was great, and probably one of the highlights of the day (maybe even the trip... I'm such a big boob for Harry Potter).
Charlie taking in all the sights.
She is such a little flirt and actress. She made so many new friends, and had a smile for every one.
Me and Clark...and Jason.
I always always wish that I could/would take more pictures.
The first thing I said at the end of everyday was... why didn't I take more photos...
(It's so much harder with three kids now.)
Harry waiting in line with Mommy and Daddy. He was so happy!
Jason took the boys on the Jurassic Park ride earlier in the day...needless to say it scared the crap out of them (Clark is terrified of dinosaurs now). It even scared me! It took them awhile to trust him again when it came to rides (I don't blame them one bit). But for the most part the boys really enjoyed riding the rides.
Little Miss Charlotte
Taking a break from the stroller, enjoying some sun, trying to eat the grass :)
Clark enjoying his chocolate frog. He ate every last bite too, and they weren't small.
Jason and Nana taking the boys on a ride. Harry doesn't look happy in the picture, but trust me, he was.
Harry found some water to play in :)
Little sister basking in the sun. Look at those chubby little thighs, so pinch-able :)
Looks like the kids had it for the day. So patient, waiting for Mommy to finish up some shopping and rides. We sure wore them out. Lots of sun, food, and running around...and it was only day one.
We had so much fun!
We survived day one!