July 18, 2009

Flashback Friday

Almost exactly two years ago... Little Clark at the beach enjoying his favorite past time, eating the sand.  He was such a cute chubby and very bald baby.

Little Tuna enjoying the surf.  
He has never really had any fear of the ocean (unlike Harry).  He still gets so excited to go to the beach, and always ohs and ahs just like it was the first time he's ever seen it.
Laura is such a sassy little thing!

I remember this trip to the beach just like 
it was yesterday.  Laura came to visit for summer vacation, she had just graduated from high school.  It was my 27th birthday in two days, I was starving on the South Beach Diet, and the last Harry Potter book was coming out in just 3 days (sigh...I still haven't gotten over it, even though I have my own little Harry now).  This was Laura's first trip to Hawaii and she was dying to go to the beach.  Jason got called into to work so we had to wait all afternoon in my sweltering house just dreaming of the cool water and warm sand.  Finally Jason got home.  We headed out to the beach even though we could see the clouds in the distance, and smell the rain on the air.  Clark was bouncing up and down, trying to get out of my arms cause he wanted to get in the sand and the water all by himself.  Jason was freaking out cause Clark was eating the sand.  Laura was begging for me to get in the water and play in the waves with her.  The cool breeze and clouds in the distance...I remember it all so clearly.  
It is funny how the simplest things, that you seem to have done a thousand times can stand out so vividly in your mind.  There are many other beach trips that were maybe more exciting or eventful, and yet this is one of those ones that sticks out so far in my mind.  Well, I do have a few others, but I will save them for another Flashback Friday.

1 comment:

Andrea said...

i know i say this allot about your boys but i cant help it, they are both so adorable. clark looks soo cute at the beach.